This man was once rejected by music company, but a good sound would never disappear. After a long time, even when the singer is started to work in office, a manager go to find him and finally make his first album. He was called "No Name" for the first time. It's quite cool that he only published an album without any ad, then he already became so famous. This song is in his second album (after more struggle between singing and job in office), called "Sunshine on white bedcover".
Recently Taiwan is promoting a slower life style, and call it "Happy Living". Matching the feeling of slower down our rush life, music in this album, Love Slower, is easing our pressure of frequent situation. This song is not just telling you to be lazy on bed, but about time with the girl you love deeply. With her on bed, we talk about dreams, past. While love her deeply, you won't need to hide anything while you wake up in the morning. Then, you'll enjoy the sunshine, her scent. Now, just let us listen to his pure sound.
Track: Sunshine on white bedcover
Album: Love Slower
Published on: 2006.03.24
作詞:姚若龍 作曲:小安 編曲 王曉東
徹夜聊夢想 妳眼裡有螢火蟲飛揚
講朋友的過往 妳心疼的寧願代替她受傷
越近看越漂亮 妳純淨的心讓臉上閃著珍珠光芒
當愛深到不虛假 在一起醒來不會有什麼想要隱藏
白床單上的陽光好香 連打呵欠妳都像可愛漫畫
一樣亂的我的鬍渣 吻妳的頭髮 管鬧鐘 就賴在床上
白床單上的陽光好香 連打呵欠妳都像可愛漫畫
一樣亂的我的鬍渣 吻妳的頭髮
白床單上的陽光好香 連打呵欠妳都像可愛漫畫
一樣亂的我的鬍渣 吻妳的頭髮