It's always a good topic while writing blogs. After we got a lot of data, how can we quickly search it out? Of course google do that for you...But with tags, we can gain more information without thinking of key words. It's like a menu for reader (or us) to choose the channel (which writer), the style ( Rock or Pop) or even the anouncement ( "Black Board" tag in this article). Just like in the restaurant, you want to see a clear menu. So what we need to do might be keeping tags to be less. Only left those in the key role, or in the same level of channel, style... How to do that? For channel I'm sure that it's only five of us. For style? Any one can give out some fair classification? Sometimes it's hard... Maybe we can think by standing on the reader side first.
Tag could be a useful thing, and need everyone got a common sense about it. Here are some Questions to be considered:
- What kind of classification would you like to see? Like ShoutCast, seperate by 70's? 80's? or Rock? Pop?....
- Before, I classify the area people live, but it's quite a redundancy. Since G-sus already represent the one in Peru, and I'm the one in Taiwan. So maybe it's better to classify into Language? English, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, Taiwanese...and so on.
- Maybe we should make a list of every kind of classification. Could anyone list about the style of music first? for us to discuss.
- Do we need more kinds of Classification?
Later on, if you see a beatiful Tag Cloud like the first picture, you'll feel it's really worth to do it!