2009年5月31日 星期日

Things I saw from Google wave

  1. 用所有科技讓功能變得輕易使用
  2. 資訊會因為容易上載而大量,而資訊就像海浪,一波一波不斷的引起他人興趣
  3. 同調的功能將不同角落的海浪收集起來,不讓浪靜
Why would it called wave?
 1. Use all the technology to make all functions easy to use.
 2. Things shared by easy functions are like waves to rise up our interest to reply more.
 3. Collecting waves in different portal, not letting it disappear in any other corner.
 4. Wave collector (API) is small and efficient on gathering waves.

Main figure:
  1. Easy share photos
  2. iterative typing (could hide)
  3. message track back
  4. Small API fits blogs, cellphones
  5. Every modification of message, pictures are synchronized by API concept
  6. Wiki-like co-writer of message, presented by color blocks.
  7. Instead of using log, it use playback to easily show how things changed.
  8. Extensions on sever and client both
  9. Iterative word checker, considering neighbor words
  10. Playback for games even!!
  11. Automatically recognize url as video and embeded easily.
Figures already exist:
  1. part response
  2. private response
  1. For partner in three could be easy to see, but what will happen for more than three?
  2. It's a kind of topic talk, could be easily end. then how to make the wave?
  3. Damn....It's a good solution for one of my plan...."Just like using RSS. How to collect all information which lost in Youtube, other people's blogs."
  1. Wave's instantly synchronization is rising up interest or a weird feeling? 現在我們常用的網頁都並非即時更新,就算是即時更新如噗浪,也不會是每字更新,這樣雖然如他們所說得是節省時間,但卻像是增加了更多的雜訊一般,也像是在後段所言"Wave dance" could interrupt too often。還是說只要在討論特定標題時,這樣的事情就是促進思考?
  2. Light code is a must be, 但是對於伺服器的流量而言呢?這樣大的資訊量傳送難道不會塞暴?
  3. 我已經想用Wave來跟你們討論了....

Main Page

Learn how to put waves in your site and build wave extensions with the Google Wave APIs.
Visit code.google.com/apis/wave.

Google Wave uses an open protocol, so anyone can build their own wave system.
Learn more at www.waveprotocol.org.







  1. Related Post by Abin's Tech
  2. LinkWithin from 重灌狂人
  3. Random Post by Stuff-a-Blog
實做完成為後兩者,相當方便,都有code產生器,且都以widget形式出現,可無痛安裝,LinkWithin現在用在Plan "F",看來是相當的有效。


這個widget很讚!他新增了以圖片來做隨機推薦的功能,讓圖片為主導的網站出現相當有吸引力的隨機推薦,安裝上也相當簡單,就是把他丟到側欄或是文章下即可。以美食為主的Plan "F",主題與內文中的圖片有強烈的關聯性,因此Plan "F"以後就用這功能吧!
  1. Random Post by Stuff-a-Blog

Version 2

Plan "F" 初衷:
  1. 紀錄自己研究的店面行銷
  2. 為我吃過的店做下記錄
  3. 把跟老闆哈拉得到的資訊記錄下來

  1. 各位隨時能吃的好吃美食
  2. 打破雜誌商業型態的推薦


  總之,現在會說想要改變,是因為我最主要是要紀錄我吃了哪些,這些店家可能是我以前就吃過的好吃的、也可能是新歡,也可能是突擊後的失敗品。大概不會有太多能PO BBS的文章,可是會是每天我吃得東西,這樣也就不需要再有每月菜單了,希望大家會喜歡!


2009年5月30日 星期六


上個月發現,照我每天吃的量,根本就寫不完,尤其又一直出差及回家,大量新知 vs 極少自己時間,讓我這月產量好低阿OTZ...不過之中不乏特別的事件,我還是會一一的分享低!!話說,雖然在上月月底說要省錢,昨天在歡樂的氣氛下還是 破功了...當作自己的紀錄,我以後也順便把我一餐的餐費記錄下來好咧~以下是我五月的菜單:

---- 5/10 ----
『- G』鮮道口福牛肉麵(喉嚨還在痛不能吃牛肉麵,他的牛肉麵有點辣喔。
    餛飩麵(大的NTD. 55)有超大碗的麵,麵多卻不會吃到膩也很妙,但餛飩就超沒誠意只給四顆超小的,只是能吃而已
『G G』黑白切(便宜又好吃~改天來介紹好了!)
    蝦仁炒飯、牛肉炒飯、廣東炒飯(NTD. 60)牛肉有點虛,其他兩個超好吃!
    涼拌豬肝(NTD. 40)不腥不粉有點q~超好吃!

---- 5/9 ----
『G -』老公公與老奶奶的早餐店(蛋餅真是一絕,價錢也超便宜!)
『- -』Chanes 嗆司熱狗(會買他還真是價格取向...但是其他類的產品似乎可以試試)
   德式香腸+蜂蜜芥末+全麥麵包 (NTD.40)
『- G』牛伯麵店(變貴了,但是環境變好,音樂也不錯聽,又感覺比較乾淨了)
   乾意麵+大陸妹 (NTD.60)


---- 5/4 ----
『G -』光明街豚骨拉麵(可以常吃得店,叉燒份量也相當夠)
『G -』可口廣東粥(感冒吃魚生粥補充體力)
『G -』蜜桃香楊桃汁(感冒喝原汁超妙,45元小杯但被告知要分四小時喝,效果實驗中)

---- 5/3 ----
『- -』水工坊(曾幾何時越變越普通?)
『G -』香香小吃(巷內)(便宜的好味道)

---- 5/2 ----
『G -』東陽土魠魚羹(安平土魠魚不變的選擇)
『V B』福記手工水煎包(好吃但臘撒)

---- 5/1 ----
『G G』一口萬餃子館(點對東西是個好地方)
『G -』五妃街滷味(滷味也有特別的口味!)
『B D』秋收燒烤(不著痕跡地懷舊,食物待加強)

『"食物" "環境"』
E= Excellent 好好食
G=Good 好食
- =No Comment 可食
B=Bad 不可食

C = Chat 適合聊天
G = Good 不錯
D = Design 有設計感
B = Bad 衛生不佳
- = 無特別


自己的土地 自己疼惜
自己的文化 自己耕耘






The Flame of dance (火焰之舞)

One of Best young guitar player in Taiwan, 陳彥宏. He've got the first prize of several "All college guitar contest". The most famous original of him is this one, Flame of fire. His music is really hard to describe, just listen to it, and tell me how you think about it.

Music from a famous movie: "1900"(海上鋼琴師)

That Cup of Beear (就是那杯啤酒) - 陳彥宏.

2009年5月28日 星期四


  四月份的GQ,封面上Jennifer Aniston只批著一條領帶的照片,就這樣的在租書店架上跟準備離去的我,微笑著。無法移開眼神,也沒有噴發出腎上腺素,就這麼樣地看著發了幾秒的呆。他的魅力,他不同於六人行之中瑞秋的個性,散發出來的自然笑容,真美。一個女人在大風大浪之後還能如此堅強,換來的便是如此的自信,屬於自己的魅力,即使已經四十,還是能用自己累積出來的能量,抵抗所有社會與時間帶來的壓力,拍出這樣的一組照片,這就是女人更迷人的地方。


2009年5月26日 星期二

Music in Dance Performance Rock Ur Heart?


  YES!! The musics this time really rock my heart! I got those musics from my junior's FTP. You can directly download those in here. And I hope anyone of you guys can help me to recognize some of them. Now from my music player, I can only recognize and find out four of them. The rest are all yours!! Enjoy it!!
  OH~also I put pictures I take on my flickr, the direct link is here.


2009年5月24日 星期日

Wfw - Dance in Rumba - Hero by Mariah Carey and Enrique

  These two songs are really popular in Ballroom dancing club. As you can hear, this is a slow song with 4 steps, a typical Rumba music. Rumba is dance of love, so you can use any romantic songs for it. Mariah Carey and Enrique both sing a song called Hero. I like Enrique more. His sings without much skill, but he really have a manlish and sexy voice.

Listen to these songs and imagine you with the one you love. Dancing slowly with full of love....


Actually, I do have use Enrique's Hero to dance one time...But it already be three years ago, my skill is not so good that time. It's a performance after I learned for 1 year. Just to see the feeling of dancing in Rumba~

don't wanna try

Songs are inside

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

2009年5月22日 星期五









2009年5月21日 星期四







  這網誌接下來除非是虛構人物(電影電視之類)會指名道姓以外,其他的人一概都用只有我看的懂得代號來說,或許是我自己取的綽號也不錯。寫法主要用故事舉例,就好像我在向很熟卻不在生活周遭的人娓娓道來一般吧,紀錄發生的來由也紀錄想法的轉折,以及記取的教訓,還有未來人生的走向一般,不敢說會像台灣龍捲風一樣沸沸湯湯,說了不起也沒嚴先生厲害,以一番言論就道出了明路卻又不諷刺不激進的,但會以他為榜樣,把平常跟朋友討論的心得實實在在的說出,敬請期待我這第十二個計畫 - Plan "L"。
由於這個網誌主要是分類來寫生活跟愛情的,因此Plan Dictionary的動態以後也會在此網誌中作紀錄,
距離完整的Plan Dictionary還有14字母,後續在做相關的紀錄時,看不懂這一小段在寫啥的人,也會慢慢了解的。

2009年5月20日 星期三

Considerations about Tags

  It's always a good topic while writing blogs. After we got a lot of data, how can we quickly search it out? Of course google do that for you...But with tags, we can gain more information without thinking of key words. It's like a menu for reader (or us) to choose the channel (which writer), the style ( Rock or Pop) or even the anouncement ( "Black Board" tag in this article). Just like in the restaurant, you want to see a clear menu. So what we need to do might be keeping tags to be less. Only left those in the key role, or in the same level of channel, style... How to do that? For channel I'm sure that it's only five of us. For style? Any one can give out some fair classification? Sometimes it's hard... Maybe we can think by standing on the reader side first.

Tag could be a useful thing, and need everyone got a common sense about it. Here are some Questions to be considered:

  1. What kind of classification would you like to see? Like ShoutCast, seperate by 70's? 80's? or Rock? Pop?....
  2. Before, I classify the area people live, but it's quite a redundancy. Since G-sus already represent the one in Peru, and I'm the one in Taiwan. So maybe it's better to classify into Language? English, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, Taiwanese...and so on.
  3. Maybe we should make a list of every kind of classification. Could anyone list about the style of music first? for us to discuss.
  4. Do we need more kinds of Classification?

Later on, if you see a beatiful Tag Cloud like the first picture, you'll feel it's really worth to do it!

WFw - Unchained melody & Pretty Woman

  Since I just get familiar with this song, unchained melody. I would like to introduce some version of it. It's a really well-know one, and the voice from the original singer is really like an unchained melody. Spreading all along the lyrics, and gives out a manlish style with LOVE. Also recently it's one of my vocal project! With this one, I can practice more about connection between words, and the feeling of melody. While my friend play guitar for me to sing, he also tell me on that age, Pretty woman is also the most famous one. So I gather this two for you guys and try to remember the flavor of those years! Unchained melody by Righteous Brothers & Pretty Woman by Edarem.

Unchained MelodIES:

Elvis Presles @ Last Concert
 ->With piano, even Elvis can be so romantic! (Actually it's my first time to see him)
Gary Gates @ The Dome, Germany
 ->Why Righteous is manlish? After listen to Gareth Gates you'll know....But he really got a good sound without any doubt.
Which melody you like most? Mine is Righteous Brothers, and you?

  Later on, I'll give you some songs that we used to dance!! Which is also in WFw series!! Are you expecting that also? lol~

Those We are Familiar With Series - This week!

Don't forget the Old songs! - Picture from lacmusic

  This week, maybe we can try this kind of topic. What if you're in the ShoutCast.com, and helding a channel called the Olds? I think a lot of songs that we are familiar with, like unchained melody, I don't even know its name until last month! But for those people who always forget about names of song, maybe we can help them to recover the link to their favorites. Ok...I might say that I'm also one of "them". So let us try to get a series for this week! Those We are Familiar With Series!

  What should be in this series?? like 70s, 80s? NO! There's no any limits about songs to chosen. Just find out some songs you heard a lot, and it's quite Famous and last for at least several years. Dig out those songs that you want to introduce to us! The one who write first get the most popular one! Let's GO!

P.S. Remember to add a tag, "WFw"

2009年5月19日 星期二

FRONT Design - Sketch Furniture

把草稿直接變成實體的家具!!...這個FRONT Design團隊還真不賴,用動畫製作常見的機制"動作捕捉"系統,將設計師畫出來的線條直接用雷射將液態塑膠成型,做成一系列的桌椅,也因此叫做Sketch Furniture (草稿家具)


2009年5月17日 星期日


最近還頗慘的,感冒直接讓我掛了一個多禮拜在床上,作業又得在終於爬起來之後慢慢完成,所以這個網站也算暫停了一陣子。在床上時,我想了滿多的,關於想寫的文章跟想傳達的感覺之類,本週三後會整理出來,在概念與精神上做了相當大的調整與反省,敬請期待Plan "F"的新改版!!


~Saw-Theme song~

this is the theme song of a movie that I like, and I have recently watch it again(last midnight).
All of it is just instrumental, but I feel like "someone is watching me" everytime I heard it.
You might think that is a creepy song... maybe you are right..
anyway it got a good beat.

MySpace Music Playlist at MixPod.com

2009年5月15日 星期五

一眼瞬間(A Glance)-蕭敬騰(Jam) & 阿妹(Amei)

  It's the song we sang yesterday, which I noticed that Jesus made some beats with.
Amei, I think most of foreigners already know her well. (I've seen a poster that she even held a concert at north California.) But what about Jam? He became famous from Taiwan TV show "Super Star Avenue I". His outstanding performance overwhelmed all audience. Never had a man sing like him. I also like his songs a lot.

MySpace Playlist at MixPod.com


Guang Liang is one of the first chinese singers I heard of.
I really didn't know he was also quite famous in Taiwan.
"Tóng Huà" (aka Fairy Tale) is by far the most popular, even in Peru I heard about it. Even I know part of the lyrics~

MySpace Playlist at MixPod.com


wang le you duo jiu
I've forgotten how long it has been

zai mei ting dao ni
Since the last time I heard you

dui wo shuo ni zui ai de gu shi
Tell me your favorite story

wo xiang le hen jiu
I have thought for a long time

wo kai shi huang le
I start to panic

shi bu shi wo you zuo cuo shen me
Wondering if I have done something wrong again

ni ku zhe dui wo shuo
You told me as you cried

tong hua li dou shi pian ren de
That everything in fairy tales are all lies

wo bu ken eng shi ni de wang zi
I couldn't possibly be your prince.

ye xu ni bu hui dong
But perhaps you don't understand either

cong ni shuo ai wo yi hou
Ever since you told me you loved me

wo de tian kong xing xing dou liang le
All the stars in my sky have brightened.

wo yuan bian cheng tong hua li
I'm willing to become the one in the fairy tale

ni ai de ne ge tian shi
The angel that you love

zhang kai shuang shou
I extend this pair of hands

bian cheng chi bang shou hu ni
and turn them into wings to protect you

ni yao xiang xin
You must believe

xiang xin wo men hui xiang tong hua gu shi li
Believe we will be like we are in a fairy tale

xing fu he kuai le shi jie ju
Where blessings and happiness is the ending

ni ku zhe dui wo shuo
You told me as you cried

tong hua li dou shi pian ren de
That everything in fairy tales are all lies

wo bu ken eng shi ni de wang zi
I couldn't possibly be your prince.

ye xu ni bu hui dong
But perhaps you don't understand either

cong ni shuo ai wo yi hou
Ever since you told me you loved me

wo de tian kong xing xing dou liang le
All the stars in my sky have brightened.

wo yuan bian cheng tong hua li
I'm willing to become the one in the fairy tale

ni ai de ne ge tian sh
The angel that you love

zhang kai shuang shou
I extend this pair of hands

bian cheng chi bang shou hu ni
and turn them into wings to protect you

ni yao xiang xin
You must believe

xiang xin wo men hui xiang tong hua gu shi li
Believe we will be like we are in a fairy tale

xing fu he kuai le shi jie ju
Where blessings and happiness is the ending

wo yao bian cheng tong hua li
I will to become the one in the fairy tale

ni ai de ne ge tian shi
The angel that you love

zhang kai shuang shou
I extend this pair of hands

bian cheng chi bang shou hu ni
and turn them into wings to protect you

ni yao xiang xin
You must believe

xiang xin wo men hui xiang tong hua gu shi li
Believe we will be like we are in a fairy tale

xing fu he kuai le shi jie ju
Where blessings and happiness is the ending

wo hue bian cheng tong hua li
I will to become the one in the fairy tale

ni ai de ne ge tian shi
The angel that you love

zhang kai shuang shou
I extend this pair of hands

bian cheng chi bang shou hu ni
and turn them into wings to protect you

ni yao xiang xin
You must believe

xiang xin wo men hui xiang tong hua gu shi li
Believe we will be like we are in a fairy tale

xing fu he kuai le shi jie ju
Where blessings and happiness is the ending

the lyrics.. (T_T)... I like this song even more

2009年5月13日 星期三


This is a heavy music band from Brazil, even though, the sing in english..
Like many other bands, the first members were students.
They began to get popularity as the years got going. But their big success was stablished in Japan rather than in thier home country. They became known in brazilian music charts about 7years later!
I had been captivated with the studio album titles:
-Angel cry
-Holy land
-Temple of shadows
-Aurora consurgens

And the song that I like the most of this group (at the moment) is called Carry On.

MySpace Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Carry on

Simple minded brain,
for now you succumb
Nothing changes your way
This worlds insists to be the same
based on our mistakes
The flowers fade along the road
Don't blindfold your eyes,
so loneliness becomes the law of a senseless life

Follow your steps and you will find
The unknown ways are on your mind
Need nothing else than just your pride to get there...

Now we have to face another day
You won't be alone
This life is forcing us to stay
- For how long?
Cold is the wind and thunder struck on a stormy night
But can't you see, I'm by your side
We are marching on!

Follow your steps and you will find
The unknown ways are on your mind
Need nothing else than just your pride to get there...

So, carry on,
There's a meaning to life
Which someday we may find...
Carry on, it's time to forget
The remains from the past, to carry on

Follow your steps and you will find
The unknown ways are on your mind
Need nothing else than just your pride to get there...

So, carry on,
There's a meaning to life
Which someday we may find...
Carry on, it's time to forget
The remains from the past

So, carry on,
There's a meaning to life
Which someday we may find...
Carry on, it's time to forget
The remains from the past

Carry on, it's time to forget
The remains from the past, to carry on
The remains from the past, to carry on
The remains from the past...

yeah, I like this song~
but the beating is like a cardiac arrest. haha

2009年5月10日 星期日



2009年5月9日 星期六

Amazing Dancers in England?


上面這個連結強烈建議大家去看~英國星光大道(Britain's got talent) 的參賽舞群之一,團名很臭屁的叫做"無瑕疵"(Flawless),跳得超級讚!!



For me the Top 3 best Dance group were :

1: jabbaWokeez
2: Flawless
3: Diversity


Britain's Got Talent 2009:


2009年5月8日 星期五


There is a J-pop group called 403 which I consider very talented.
If your not familiar with web errors "403" will mean: forbidden.
This group was stablished in highschool for a english contest, and since then all their songs are in english. They also got a funny way to speak english.
Nevertheless, the music is enjoyable and I think the lyric is meaningful.
I like the song titled "Southern Cross".
If you cannot understand what they sing ('cause its 'engrish' haha) I'm adding the lyrics.

Create a MySpace Playlist at MixPod.com

Southern Cross
You are standing here as true as you were born on this earth.
Don't pin all your hopes and your dreams on somebody else's lives.

The Southern cross is twinkling and watching us.
Far beyond, so far away from us.
The Southern Cross is a holy light.
We are the crusaders of the Southern Cross.

Go, if you come up against a hurdle.
Fight, fight for the things you believe in.
Passion, Joy, Sorrow, pain and tears.
All they will be pabulum of your life.
Go, if you come under the wet yourself.
Fight, fight for the person you believe in.
Destiny is calling you...
“Obey me, or defy me”

[PianoSolo : 403]

The Southern cross is twinkling and watching us.
Far beyond, so far away from us.
The Southern Cross is a holy light.
We are the crusaders of the Southern Cross.

Go, if you come up against a hurdle.
Fight, fight for the things you believe in.
Passion, Joy, Sorrow, pain and tears.
All they will be pabulum of your life.
Go, if you come under the wet yourself.
Fight, fight for the person you believe in.
Destiny is calling you...
“Obey me, or defy me”

[PianoSolo & GuitarSolo : 403]

Is there a thing which is superior to love in this world?
A man is living with loving someone and then being loved by others.
We are standing here as true as we were born on this earth.
The moment of yesterday when we lived is never waste.

Go, if you come up against a hurdle.
Fight, fight for the things you believe in.
Passion, Joy, Sorrow, pain and tears.
All they will be pabulum of your life.
Go, if you come under the wet yourself.
Fight, fight for the person you believe in.
Destiny is calling you...
“Obey me, or defy me”


This little time that you live here
may be treasure when you are old.
Go, if you come away from your way.
Find, find your own way that you believe in.
Destiny is challenging you...
“Obey me, or defy me”

We cannot turn back to our past.
We cannot change our past.
However, we're heading for the future.
So, let us reach out our hands.....our hands!

I almost have forgotten some parts of the lyrics.
It makes me feel like: OMG, It is really good!
I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

1,2,3 for 5 - 聖堂教父 (The Gospellers)

  Once, I saw a music blog which writes a lot about Japan music, called "J-Pop Now". I heard about this song. Later on, it makes me feel happy every time!! The music video shows a humor of Japanese movement, and also their good sound. Even Japanese can't speak English well, they still think it's cool to sing it. It's quite funny~ Just use this music video to cheer you up! 1,2,3 for 5~~!!






活力早餐A  活力早餐B
濃湯     濃湯
千島沙拉   和風沙拉
牛奶炒蛋   蘑菇燻肉洋蔥起士蛋捲
洋芋泥    洋芋泥
乳酪香腸   乳酪香腸
丹麥奶酥   全麥麵包


Round 1 - 蘑菇濃湯

噹噹噹~ -> "-1"

Round 2 - 沙拉

噹噹噹~ ->"-1"

Round 3 - 主菜上場
牛奶炒蛋沒有奶味,瞬間駁回,醬汁豬排過鹹,應該要搭配全麥麵包來均衡鹹味,馬上跟B餐的麵包交換,而最後的乳酪香腸....恩,或許乳酪香腸的味道本來就比較淡吧,我是這樣安慰自己的。(可能是被小7的起士熱狗給寵壞了吧)噹噹噹~食之無味,棄之可惜 "-1"

話說,我的英文名字叫Troy,所以也常被外國人戲稱"Try It!",跟我出去吃飯的人都知道,我常常會想吃別人的盤中食,因此都一定會試吃個幾口,我朋友的B餐當然也就這樣被我攻佔啦XD!








在較大的地圖上查看PLAN "F" - 台南成大圈

2009年5月7日 星期四


I don't know if you already know about this group but they are amazing!
They sure know how to play the guitar and the battery
These are two of the songs that I like from this group:
The lyrics seem so epic... you can imagine whatever you want! Even in a war, or in a clear landspace or just the city (that would be so wrong...) hehe
I hope you enjoy it.

MySpace Playlist at MixPod.com

Fury of the Storm
We are riding for the battlefield in force tonight
Fury of the darkest evil cry for war
Far beyond the boundaries of hell and starlight
On the road to lands unknown forever more

Through the caverns far below our quest will lead us
Onwards through the ice and snow forever more
Standing fighting full of hate the time has come now
Stand and sound the guns of glory cry for war

On wings of glory we will carry on
Far across forgotten lands towards the distant sun
And in the darkness shining far beyond the starlight
Lightning is striking from the dark dawning shadows
And in the kingdom of the everlasting sun
When the glory of the master's time has come!

Into the fires of forever we will fly through the heavens
With the power of the universe we stand strong together
Through the force in our power, we will soon reach the hour
For victory we ride, Fury of the Storm!

Here we are the chosen ones we can not fail now
Spilling all the blood on the fires below
Smashing through the boundaries with the fire and fury
Killing all the mortals down the winding road

Hellfires are raging the storm growing strong
On the path to victory towards the distant sun
And in the darkness shining far beyond the starlight
Lightning is striking from the dark dawning shadows
And in the kingdom of the everlasting sun
When the glory of the master's time has come!

Into the fires of forever we will fly through the heavens
With the power of the universe we stand strong together
Through the force in our power, we will soon reach the hour
For victory we ride, Fury of the Storm!

[167.3756 second Instrumental]!!!!

Into the fires of forever we will fly through the heavens
With the power of the universe we stand strong together
Into the fires of forever we will fly through the heavens
With the power of the universe we stand strong together
Through the force in our power, we will soon reach the hour
For victory we ride, Fury of the Storm!
For victory we ride, Fury of the Storm!

My Spirit will go on
Life is a misery, don't know how it's come to be
Death, the epitome of all of our days
In the past we had no choice to hear or to be the voice
Close your eyes and visualize the demon to arise

You know that sanity is not as it was meant to be
And now that misery has taken a new stand
In the land of a thousand souls we will carry on through the rain
In the sun we will move along with the memories of the slain
When I see this humanity and the evil that they have come to be
We've come to the point of no return and you beg for just...

One more time to escape from all this madness
One more time to be set free from all this sadness
And one last time to be the one who understands
My soul and my spirit will go on, for all of eternity

Foreign the currency, your payment in blood to be
Death is the destiny for all of our ways
In the dark you hide away for who or what you can't say
When I see the power of the demon come alive

You know that sanity is not as it was meant to be
And now that misery has taken a new stand
On the wings of eagles flying staring on to the sun
Reaching for the gold horizon when the war shall be won
Can you see the debauchery and the blade of death that has come for thee
In winds of torment forever more you will cry for just...

One more time to escape from all this madness
One more time to be set free from all this sadness
And one last time to be the one who understands
My soul and my spirit will go on, for all of eternity

In the land of a thousand souls we will carry on through the rain
In the sun we will move along with the memories of the slain
When I see this humanity and the evil that they have come to be
We've come to the point of no return and you beg for just...

One more time to escape from all this madness
One more time to be set free from all this sadness
And one last time to be the one who understands
My soul and my spirit will go on, my soul and spirit will go on, for all of eternity


Chanes 披薩與熱狗堡(平價的好選擇)

2009年5月6日 星期三

Love until Die (死了都要愛)- Shin Version and English Version

  In KTV, everyone know that it's a taboo to order this song. On the other hand, everyone know this song. It's from a band called "Shin", the vocal is as the name called AShin.(like Amei) As G-sus might emphasize on beats, I focus on the voice of vocal more. It's might be a reason that I didn't learn any instrument well before. Even I always admire people who can play instruments well and make others be touched instantly, I still not yet learn one. After some experience of KTV, I always feel touched while listen to good singer. Later on, I just think of human voice as an instrument, too. So whether a voice could make you have the so-called "Chicken skin" or "Electrical Shock on neck" is the way I judge music.
  As you might noticed, some popular singer always sing songs without meaning, just repeat some good sentences and a simple melody. It's so-called "Grava Singer" in Taiwan. A lot of people hate and refuse to listen to this kind of commercial singer. But for me is different, I feel eased while listen to simple music with a good sound. If the sound is good, and matched with rythm, I'll say it good.
  But this song is different, Shin version is really made me feel coooool!! It was remade from korea, and now here is an English version coming soon. After listening to it, just tell me how you feel about it!!

Shin version on his concert on 2005:

English Version

2009年5月4日 星期一



營業時間:晚上8點 - 早上11點

在較大的地圖上查看PLAN "F" - 桃園

Sunshine on white bedcover (白床單上的陽光)

  This man was once rejected by music company, but a good sound would never disappear. After a long time, even when the singer is started to work in office, a manager go to find him and finally make his first album. He was called "No Name" for the first time. It's quite cool that he only published an album without any ad, then he already became so famous. This song is in his second album (after more struggle between singing and job in office), called "Sunshine on white bedcover".

  Recently Taiwan is promoting a slower life style, and call it "Happy Living". Matching the feeling of slower down our rush life, music in this album, Love Slower, is easing our pressure of frequent situation. This song is not just telling you to be lazy on bed, but about time with the girl you love deeply. With her on bed, we talk about dreams, past. While love her deeply, you won't need to hide anything while you wake up in the morning. Then, you'll enjoy the sunshine, her scent. Now, just let us listen to his pure sound.

Track: Sunshine on white bedcover
Album: Love Slower
Published on: 2006.03.24


作詞:姚若龍 作曲:小安 編曲 王曉東

徹夜聊夢想 妳眼裡有螢火蟲飛揚
講朋友的過往 妳心疼的寧願代替她受傷
越近看越漂亮 妳純淨的心讓臉上閃著珍珠光芒
當愛深到不虛假 在一起醒來不會有什麼想要隱藏

白床單上的陽光好香 連打呵欠妳都像可愛漫畫
一樣亂的我的鬍渣 吻妳的頭髮 管鬧鐘 就賴在床上

白床單上的陽光好香 連打呵欠妳都像可愛漫畫
一樣亂的我的鬍渣 吻妳的頭髮
白床單上的陽光好香 連打呵欠妳都像可愛漫畫
一樣亂的我的鬍渣 吻妳的頭髮

2009年5月2日 星期六

A tribute to M

yeah, its kind of (...) sometimes,
but you know its part of our nature to be (...) sometimes.
You can take this example to get an idea:
Our body is a unique machine that works mind and body at the same time with some criteria.
Some ills in our bodies can be quickly overcome if we have already little amounts of that ill before. That's why as childs we take vaccines with some weakened virus in order to avoid any similar virus in the future.
Bodies can process that virus "information" in order to find an own treatment and cure.
Our mind should work the same way but with our subconscious. That might be called "acquiered experience". A sequence of predetermined thoughts and feelings can help us deal with some situations in the future.

So.. why I'm writing that? ... I almost forget... oh, yeah Music.
It could give little amounts of the feelings of many people (weakened feelings maybe), so even if we never thought about it, we could have a more conscious response based in the "subconscious' response" from the past. Music is a special situation, it would give a collective response.
Maybe that's why we keep using it to express our feelings.
Maybe that's why we think in (...) everytime.

These are my favorite songs at the moment (one for each language),

MySpace Music Playlist at MixPod.com

You might think they are (...), right?

So, (...) you for reading and listening!!

By the way,
what did your minds inmediatly complete in the (...) spaces?
That'll be so (...) to know!

2009年5月1日 星期五

Some Function of This Blog

  This blog uses MixPod.com player, all the musics are from database of them. Search the music and make a player by one song(you can add more for sure, but for one article, just add as much as you're going to introduce). Songs will always play automatically. So I adopted a ".....Continued" Button to hide the later part of article, for not playing all the music while others see the home page. Be sure to put music player after your introduction, the "Continued" function will deal with it automatically.

  For viewing our blog easily, function of TAG is really important. While creating a article, there's a form on the bottom side of the editor. You can choose existing tag, and also add a new tag. We should make tags as simple as possible, maybe we can just divide into three big classification.
  1. From which area: like American or French or Chinese or Peru etc...
  2. Type of Music: like Funk, Rock, Popular, etc...
  3. Channels (Editor): Since we got different type of music to share, we are like channels of broadcast, just the music could be repeated again and again. So this tag could be like Troy, Jerome, Jordan, Hihic, Jesus, etc.....
  4. What else??
After this, you can click a botton on the sidebar, "Choose tag", and you'll find out a tag cloud. Hopes that the cloud could be useful and beautiful!

So now we are already have a platform of sharing all the music that we want to share! Hope we can know each others more by Plan "M"! Oh, btw, M is only stand for Music. I just want to make it cool, lol~